Looking for Care Tips? How to Preserve Your Child's First Communion Dress
The big day has already passed, and how you have enjoyed it! After months of preparations, it is time to store one of the most special dresses of your little girl's life to keep it in perfect condition, because everyone wants to treasure it for a long time. Don't you know how to keep it as good as the first day? Maybe you know some tips for preserving a dress, but a garment like this requires extreme care when storing it. Take note of these tips for communion dresses and protect it forever.
The next step is to know how to store a clean and ironed Communion dress. Packaging the First Communion dress in tissue paper in a box happens to be one of the finest options you can select to keep the dress in seamless condition. Of course, remember that the tissue paper should not have color to prevent it from staining the garment over time.
As for measurements, it is restored to use a longer box that is not too extraordinary, so that the dress bends as slightly as possible.
The perfect ways storing a communion dress
After the big day, the first thing to do is take the dress to the dry cleaners, where they will leave it perfectly stain-free and as beautiful as the first day. Remove the plastic in which the dry cleaners will return it to you. If you don't, it's easy for the plastic to stick to the dress over time and leave stains. So, first of all, think about cleaning.The next step is to know how to store a clean and ironed Communion dress. Packaging the First Communion dress in tissue paper in a box happens to be one of the finest options you can select to keep the dress in seamless condition. Of course, remember that the tissue paper should not have color to prevent it from staining the garment over time.
Why store a communion dress folded
Now that you know some of the steps you should follow to preserve your little girl's communion dress, don't forget that, however practical it may seem to you; keeping it hanging in the closet is a bad idea. You want to treasure it and keep your dress in perfect condition. Over time, the weight of the dress can stretch the seams and deform the garment. If the fabric is very delicate, or very heavy, it is also easy for the shoulder and waist seams to open. It is better to keep it folded in a box protected from light and in a dry place. Be careful not to leave it in storage rooms or basements where there is humidity, it is very easy for the dress to get damaged.As for measurements, it is restored to use a longer box that is not too extraordinary, so that the dress bends as slightly as possible.
How to preserve a ceremony dress
Start by folding the skirt and finish with the top to avoid creases on the bodice. If the skirt is very full, you can fold the sides that stick out from the bodice inwards, so that the skirt is the same width as the bodice. Then fold the skirt into two or three folds. From the waistband to the neck, the dress should remain unfolded. Try to keep it as smooth as possible overall, this way you will be able to keep the dress perfectly preserved.Why keep a communion dress
Perhaps after these tips you have realized that keeping a communion dress can not only allow you to keep it as a souvenir but, by knowing how to store it perfectly, you can reuse the dress for other girls in the family who want to make their communion with the same dress as their cousins, sisters or friends and be the stars of the big day. In any case, first communion dresses are one of the most special items of clothing that your little girl will have throughout her life, so keeping it forever is one of the best decisions you can make.
Also Read:- Tips for Buying the Perfect Communion Dress for Your Girl
Also Read:- Looking to Impress: Stunning Communion Dresses for Every Little Girl